Overdue Payment Reminders

WinMAGI has the facility to bulk email your overdue debtors with Overdue Payment Reminders.  Using the existing WinMAGI Accounts Receivable Ageing enquiry screens, new ‘views’ can be developed that allow you to list just those debtors that have open 30, 60, 90 days or greater (or combinations thereof) balances. Once the debtors are listed, a further screen prompt allows you to nominate the specific debtors that are to receive an ‘Overdue Payment Reminder’ email, complete with an attached PDF report of the invoices that are overdue. The attached report can be formatted as required to include an overdue total amount, a payment message, your companies logos’ and contact details of your accounts staff. The outgoing email can also be formatted as required to have a meaningful subject line and message body so that it is better able to get the quick attention (and hopefully quick action) of the recipient. Using this facility will help you reduce your outstanding debtor balances and improve your cash flow.