WinMAGI Updates (Latest Build 822534) Oct 2022

Drag and Drop

The Drag and Drop feature has been further populated and improved throughout the system.

AR and AP Info Centre 

The Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable ageing screens have been updated with a GL Account division filter selection.

Sales Orders and Purchasing Order prints 

Sales and Purchasing documents now have the facility to print the companies ‘Terms and Conditions’ as a variable field.

New file naming conventions are available when producing PDF documents. This ensures that each individual PDF document that is produced can have a unique file name made up of the document type (i.e. ACK for a sales order acknowledgement, INV for a sales invoice, PO for a  purchase order) and the order number of the document. In addition, if emailing the documents from within WinMAGI, each document type also allows a specific email subject line to be defined to better help the email recipients identify the email and the attached document.

General Ledger 

Posting from the sub ledgers into GL can now be controlled via GL Account Division when running the ‘Post from Other Modules’.

Inventory Cycle Count Enquiries

A number of the ‘Info Centres’ in Inventory Control and Warehousing now have an additional ‘Cycle Count’ tab to review details of the selected items cycle count history.

Sales Order Invoice Enquiries

The sales order invoice enquiries have improved performance speeds.

Company Background Colours

For Multi Company installs, each company can now have a different background colour/picture display.